Month: May 2013

Let’s talk tornado protocal:

We don’t suffer from many natural disasters here in Michigan, just the occasional tornado here and there in the spring, like last Tuesday.

It had been raining and storming all day (side note: I LOVE storms).  When I got home, letting the dog out, I heard a tornado siren go off in the distance, but it was so far away, I didn’t think anything of it and proceeded to start making dinner.

10 or so minutes later, my phone is chirping, warning me that there is a tornado watch in my area, so I immediately turn on the news, and sure enough, warnings all over the place!  The ticker tape across the bottom of the screen is telling me to seek shelter, get away from windows, get in a basement if I have one, and make sure I have supplies just in case.  The only “supplies” we keep stocked in our basement is booze and beer, so note to self to make an emergency kit for the basement. 

Anywho, the dog has since come back inside, dinner is progressing nicely with water boiling, oven pre-heating, when the sirens in my neighborhood go off. It was my understanding that sirens only go off once a tornado has touched down, so I immediately begin gathering my kids (dog and cat), to head to the basement.  Peyton always sleeps under the couch, so I run over to it, pick it up, and all but throw it to the side, and grab her out from under it.  With Peyton under one arm, I grab Max’s collar to head downstairs.

At the top of the stairs, Max comes to a dead stop, pushing both front paws against the door frame and refuses to go any further.  He is starting to whine, trying to back up, shaking his head.  He has never had a problem with the basement before! Why now?!  My idiot brain immediately thinks, “OMG it is haunted down there and he knows it!”, but I would rather take on a ghost than a tornado at this point.  And yes, I do watch too much discovery channel.

As I’m pleading with Max to just come with me and to trust me, Peyton starts to notice that her big brother is freaking out, so she starts to freak out.  Meowing and twisting and trying to get free. 

The dog is whining, the cat is freaking out, I am fighting with them both at once, the water is boiling over on the stove, the oven is beeping because it is fully heated, sirens are going off, so I let go of both kids and just yelled, “FINE! We can all die together while I make a delicious meal!”.

They both just sat there and looked at me as I overhead the weather man on television say, “If you are in Lansing and hear sirens going off, you can ignore those.  There is no immediate danger or threat of a tornado in your area.”

Well, fuck you very much…

Dinner was delicious at least.


Max and Peyton being so good during the last tornado scare we had....

Max and Peyton being so good during the last tornado scare we had….

Please, excuse my absence…

It has been a while!  I guess that is what happens when you are busy having fun 🙂

I will do a quick recap of what life has been handing me, using mostly photos:


Classically AWESOME!

I can’t even remember where I left off, so we will just start with this awesome car that we stumbled upon outside of Home Depot one Saturday when my bestie, Julie, was in town.  That whole weekend was fun, complete with shopping, drinks in the sun, waffles at the City Market, just good times had by all.


Julie, being cute and stylish 🙂

Paul and I have been cooking up a storm:


Vegan Pot Stickers and Orange Chicken (Gardein brand… not a fan of imitation meat, but we went for it)


Kale-Quinoa Salad, compliments of Runners World magazine


Tempeh Sloppy Joes… I had forgotten all about this childhood favorite


Baked apple chips: because only a fool doesn’t like snacks

There was a cool benefit in a barn with beer and music!


It was a double date with my Uncle Tom and Aunt Janice


ImageI took a tour of the magnificent Michigan Capitol, and it was AWESOME!


The dome

Took a day trip to the Upper Peninsula for work allowing me to cross something off of my bucket list:  hiring my brother to fly me somewhere 🙂


Big bro doing is thing 🙂 So proud of him!


Leaving Escanaba, flying over Lake Michigan, heading back to the lower peninsula

I took a moment after a meeting to stop and appreciate the world:


Red Cedar River on Michigan State’s campus

Received over 90 pokes for my allergy test… and am allergic to everything! (and should also never get an upper arm tattoo:


I guess this is the mark of my tribe…?

Loved on my kids:

ImageWent to a Detroit Tiger’s game with our best friends, and my true boyfriend:


This was his first pop ever! We had to keep reminding him to call it “root beer” and not just beer


We stopped in Greek Town for some pre-game food:


From some angles, Detroit doesn’t seem so bad

Then headed to the game where we witnessed a Tiger’s loss, but still had a great time:

ImageImageLife has been busy, but things are good!  I am excited that summer is finally here!

This weekend, we are going camping, so cross your fingers that it goes well.

What have you all been up to? 


Tuesday meeting at the Capitol

Back to Normal! (or as normal as I was before)

Yesterday, I was given a clean bill of health at my post-op appointment!  Blood work was normal, my cyst was nothing more than that, and my left ovary appears to be a rock star, so future issues shouldn’t arise.  Of course I won’t know until we try to conceive, but it doesn’t look like it will be a problem.


I started feeling more like myself last Friday, but it wasn’t until yesterday that I didn’t hit that wall of exhaustion.  Paul and I even went for a bike ride last night.  The weather was gorgeous, I had cleaned out my closet and prepped it for summer, and I was feeling great, so it was my re-introduction to working out.  Today, it will be a 3 mile run.

I am just happy to feel like life can go back to normal.  I don’t play the patient well, I don’t like sitting still for very long, and I definitely don’t like depending on people to take care of me (it is a weakness). 

Paul was amazing, though, and so were all of my friends and family.  Thank you to everyone for all of the love, support, prayers, and good deeds.  I am a very spoiled and blessed girl 🙂

I hope everyone is having a fabulous May so far!